Options for Interactivity and Engagement
The Importance of Interactivity and Engagement
The 21st century secondary education student craves digital interactivity and is not motivated by traditional methods of teaching and learning (Buentello-Montoya et al, 2021). Today’s students have grown up surrounded by technology from smartphones to virtual reality headsets. As educators we need to tap into the available resources and incorporate them into our teaching and learning strategies. According to Krishnashree et al (2021) laboratories in STEM programs are vital to student success that requires hands-on learning and experimentation to master content. As a result of these demands brought about by today’s learners and the need for real-life opportunities to learn, educators have a requirement to learn how to use the available resources and successfully implement them into their classrooms. Krishnashree et al (2021) states that interactivity and student engagement are critical components of the learning process to enhance the conceptual understanding of the students. According to Krishnashree et al (2021) accreditation agencies evaluate schools on their ability to develop students who can apply the knowledge learned in math, science, and engineering classes to identify and solve real-life problems. Schools that incorporate the latest technology in virtual reality and simulation-based learning help promote effective learning.
The Advantages and Challenges Faced in Implementing New Resources
There are considerable benefits of remote laboratories, namely, enabling greater flexibility, lower costs and greater resource sharing (Krishnashree et al, 2021). Hye et al (2019) states that technology has the potential to expand the classroom. Tablets are one resource that allows students the ability to engage in interactive, collaborative learning and grants access to a variety of applications that enhance learning. O'Halloran et al (2020) conducted research into the interactive format of online textbooks. In particular they looked at some of the latest digital math textbooks. O'Halloran et al (2020) states that textbooks developers are finding ways to develop more interactive material that personalizes learning and provides students with links to supplemental material. Additional research is needed to evaluate how the design, content and features of digital textbooks help students construct mathematical knowledge. O'Halloran et al declares more is needed to determine if teachers are maximizing the benefits of these digital resources (O'Halloran et al, 2020). According to Hye et al (2019) technology allows teachers to design instruction around the needs of individual students and provide access to personalized practice, simulations, and real-life experts. Hye et al (2019) declares the limitations of technology-integrated instruction is brought on by instructional pacing guides, class time, class sizes, available space, teacher competency, and student willingness to adopt to new instructional-technology (Hye et al, 2019).
Options for the Classroom
Quizizz.com - Interactive Lessons and Assessments |
At quizizz.com you will gain access to wealth of interactive resources to personalize student learning. You will need to create an account which can be done on your own for $8/month or through your school district, which is highly recommended.
As you take time to create your own interactive resources you will have the ability to embed videos and audios to enhance your students' experience and increase engagement. Quizizz.com provides unlimited access to 30M+ customizable activities, shared library, and opportunity for co-teaching.
Expeditionspro.com |
The application allows you to establish classroom management for multiple headsets and download material for offline learning. With so many schools now providing 1-to-1 learning opportunities for students, the software allows you to even use it on PC's. The cost is unbeatable and the opportunities for inspiring young minds are limitless.
CLIPS allows users to enhance videos using augmented reality to add special effects and truly personalize videos. This is great for flipped learning when introducing topics or when students need to present projects. CLIPS is updating monthly with new material to allow users to continue being creative. Student engagement and motivation is increased with the ability to share videos on social media, through Messages, AirDrop, and be edited or viewed across all your devices using iCloud.
Try IT!
Click on the following link to experience a lesson I created using Quizizz.com for my Algebra students. This is just a small glimpse. Rules for Integers
If you have trouble with the link, then go to - joinmyquiz.com and enter the code - 1100 1011
What's Next
Buentello-Montoya et al (2021) states that research found that students using Reality Enhancing Technology performed better than students using traditional textbooks and that students found the experiences motivating. AR and VR provide educators with ways to perform experiments that would be impossible without their use because of expenses and safety risks. Technological advancements in teaching and learning materials add to instruction and student learning in comprehensive ways never experienced before. The use of technology allows teachers to more efficiently use data to drive instruction which enhances student learning. According to Flaherty (2020), Kolb (1984) developed his experiential learning theory, defining learning as a process that transforms experience into knowledge. Learners need to participate in learning by experience and not simply direct instruction (Flaherty, 2022). According to Flaherty (2022) active participation or learning by doing should be a core standard for all content, especially those dealing with abstract and concrete concepts. Flaherty (2022) states that educators need to be more compelled to include the use of technology and think of it as moving your class into the online realm either asynchronously or synchronously.
Buentello-Montoya, D., Lomeli-Plascencia, L., & Medina-Herrera, L., (2021). The Role of Reality Enhancing Technologies in Teaching and Learning of Mathematics, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Volume 94, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2021.107287.
Flaherty, H. (2022). Teaching Note—Using Technology to Enhance Experiential Learning Through Simulated Role Plays, Journal of Social Work Education, DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2022.2050869
Hye, J. K., Choi, J., & Lee, S. (2019). Teacher Experience of Integrating Tablets in One-to-One Environments: Implications for Orchestrating Learning. Education Sciences, 9(2) https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci9020087
Krishnashree, A., Dhananjay, R., Balakrishnan, S., Francis, S. P., & Kani, K. V. (2021). Impact of Remote Experimentation, Interactivity and Platform Effectiveness on Laboratory Learning Outcomes: Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 18(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s41239-021-00272-z
O’Halloran, K., Beezer, R. & Farmer, D., (2018). A New Generation of Mathematics Textbook Research and Development. ZDM Mathematics Education 50, 863–879. https://doi-org.ezproxy.liberty.edu/10.1007/s11858-018-0959-8
Tsayang, G., Batane, T., & Majuta, A. (2020).
The Impact of Interactive Smart Boards on Students' Learning in Secondary Schools
in Botswana: A Students' Perspective. International Journal of Education
and Development using Information and Communication Technology, 16(2), 22-39. https://go.openathens.net/redirector/liberty.edu?url=https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/impact-interactive-smart-boards-on-students/docview/2442136577/se-2
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